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"Senegal's Foreign Minister Lauds China-Africa Ties at FOCAC Conference"

发布时间:2024-09-07 07:53:34
On September 5, during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in Beijing, Senegal's Foreign Minister Yassine Fall underscored the significance of the China-Africa partnership at a joint press conference. She emphasized that China is not only focused on its own growth but also committed to supporting Africa's development, promoting global well-being and modernizing economies across nations.
Fall lauded the partnership, highlighting that Africa possesses abundant resources that, through collaboration with China, can be better harnessed within the continent to enhance value and drive industrialization. This, she noted, will generate employment opportunities for Africa's young population, considering Senegal's median age of just 19 years. She stressed the mutually beneficial nature of the relationship, referring to it as a "win-win" and emphasizing China's role in offering expertise, private sector support, and valuable lessons for Africa's advancement.

