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发布时间:2024-04-15 04:05:37


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) is a popular first-person shooter game that has gained a massive following since its release. One of the key features of CSGO is the ability for players to customize their weapons with different skins. These skins not only change the APPearance of the weapons but also hold value in terms of rarity and popularity among players.

In this article, we will Provide you with a comprehensive list of CSGO skin names in both English and Chinese, allowing you to better understand and appreciate the vast variety of skins available in the game.

Rifle Skins - 步枪皮肤

- AK-47 | Fire Serpent 火蛇

- M4A4 | Howl 咆哮

- AWP | Dragon Lore 龙之传说

- AUG | Akihabara ACCept 秋叶原接受

- FAMAS | Roll Cage 滚笼

- Galil AR | Chatterbox 喋喋不休的人

- SSG 08 | Blood in the Water 血在水中

Pistol Skins - **皮肤

- Desert Eagle | Blaze 烈焰火鹰

- Glock-18 | Fade 褪色

- USP-S | Kill Confirmed 杀戮确认

-Tec9|Fuel Injector 燃料注射器

-P|Ocean Foam 海洋泡沫

-Dual Berettas|Demolition 毁灭

SMG Skins - 冲锋枪皮肤

- MP9 | Bulldozer 推土机

- MAC-10 | Neon Rider 霓虹骑士

- UMP-45 | Primal Saber 原始剑齿虎

- P90 | Asiimov 阿西莫夫

- PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis 荷鲁斯的审判

Shotgun Skins - **枪皮肤

- Nova | Hyper Beast 疯狂野兽

-MAG7|Petroglyph 石雕

-Sawed-off|The Kraken 海怪

-XM|Tranquility 安宁

Heavy Skins - 重型武器皮肤

- M249 | Nebula Crusader 星云十字军

-MAC10|Memento 念力

-Zeus x27|Taser 泰瑟枪

Knife Skins - 刀具皮肤

- Karambit 伊比利亚半月刀

-Bayonet 斩马刀

-Gut Knife 肠子刀

-Falchion Knife 弯曲剑

-Hunt**an Knife 猎人之刃

-Dagger 小匕首

Glove Skins - 手套皮肤

- Bloodhound Gloves 血猎手套

-Sport Gloves 运动手套

-Hand Wraps 绷带手套

-Moto Gloves 摩托手套

-Specialist Gloves 专家手套


CSGO offers a wide range of skins for players to choose from, allowing them to personalize their weapons and stand out in the game. The names of these skins often reflect their design, rarity, or theme. Whether you prefer a sleek and elegant knife skin or an eye-catching rifle skin, CSGO has something for everyone.

Remember that while CSGO skins can enhance your gaming experience, they are purely co**etic and do not affect gameplay. Enjoy exploring the world of CSGO skins and find the ones that best suit your style!

